Quotes From "Oxygen" By Carol Cassella

It is amazing, though, what pains your subconscious will undergo in achieve sustainable peace. Carol Cassella
When do we stop crying over our own injuries? When we get old enough to swallow our tears, or when the people we love stop responding to our cries of pain? Carol Cassella
The completely profound senselessness of my own existence explodes into it's own blissful freedom. There is no impending moment, no past moment, only this one, and without past there is no sorrow, and without future there can be no loss. Carol Cassella
Death might be a blessing if it means you never have to face this kind of grief. Carol Cassella
Survival through denial. Works every time. Carol Cassella
But love isn't a career. It isn't a degree you earn or a formula you pull out of a textbook. It's bumpy and blotched and painful and completely irreplaceable. Aren't there times when it might be better to let go? Sometimes the best part of life grows out of what you have no say over. Carol Cassella
Your lover should be your best friend.... Love can be a choice as much as an accident. Carol Cassella